Exhibition "EXPOSED" helt 25 artworks and 5 installations. June-September at Hismoon Museum Shanghai/China
Acrylics, Oil, Pen on Canvas and Silk Fabric
Graphit, Glass, Paper
The perception of the world outside the media is extremely unsettling, because reality exists only as a reflex to a previously existing mediality. We don't touch anyone or anything as often as our retina displays. And yet, we need this connection between people.
Acrylic, Pen on Japanese Paper and Acylicy, Oil on Canvas
Acrylic, Pen on Paper or Canvas
Analoge Photography, Acrylics on Photo Paper
What do you stand for?
It was this question that got everything rolling. This question moved me and it was followed by many more questions.
It is not the great things that are called courage, but the small things that are able to shake our reality in order to open up a new dimension to it.
What do you stand for?
Analog Photos, Acylic and Pen
100 x 80
Installation at the Gobi Desert 2019 for the 1st International Art Festival Inner Mongolia/ China.
Combines powerful music with a startling visual performance, capturing acoustic emotion and visual language on canvas.
X-Rays, Pen, Plexiglas, Canvas
Mixed Media Installation
Pen on Photography.
Cooperation with Chinese Photo Artist Shan He.
Acrylic and Pen on Anloge Photography
Acrylic, Pen on Canvas
Acrylic, Metal Chips and Fire on Canvas